Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 - A Year in Preview

It's already February and the Year In Preview I promised has yet to be written. Where did January go?

I can already cross one accomplishment off my list. One of my goals for 2011 was to start building IMDb credits in new categories. I can now officially say I have a director, writer and editor credit for my first project: "Sack Lunch." I can't show you the full 6 minutes in all it's glory, but I can share a 24 second teaser I put together. Look for festival news shortly.

I've been writing up a storm, and have a ton of projects I am itching to get started on. But one in particular as taken hold of my heart and I'm putting full effort into it until further notice. I truly and honestly believe that it is the one project that will propel me and my career in this industry farther than I could possibly imagine. Yes, it's that good. And I have others to thank for that, particularly Deneb Catalan, my writing partner who has been instrumental in writing dialogue that gives characters dimension, and Tim Oakley, my production designer, who is talented beyond belief and is in the process of creating some amazing artwork that will help the world visualize the words that have been put to paper.

Of course that is not to belittle the work by others who are involved and whose participation will grow as we prepare to pitch our project to those that have the means to make it happen. Kc Guyer has been a part of the development team from the very beginning and Nate DiNiro, a recent addition who has already proven to be invaluable, round out the core group.

The little gem of a project I am referring to is called Warped! Apparently I didn't get the memo when newbies were told to start small, because this certainly is no small project. Which is why I am reaching out to additional folks with much more experience than I to help shape this bad boy. Pulling in resources that include CGI, transmedia, gaming, and more.

While we will have a designated online presence for the whole process of creating Warped!,  I want to use my own personal blog as a way for me to document my personal journey through this as a relative newcomer, fumbling my way through planning and pitching a television series. I'll have to change some names to keep things confidential along the way, but it's going to be a wild journey. These will be my personal notes. My successes and frustrations. The end goal is to look back on this one year from now and remember through my giddy naivete what worked, what didn't and the baby steps I took to get the job done. I don't care if anyone reads this. It's not really meant for anyone else's eyes. But if my progress helps inspire someone along the way, then that will be a happy bonus!

So, where am I at in the process right now?
- Pilot episode is in the umpteen millionth round of edits (that's the first newbie lesson I learned - the final draft is NEVER the final draft). FINALLY at the stage where we can hold a table read to work out the final kinks before we lock the script.
- Meeting with FX houses and animation studios, transmedia gurus, web designers, game developers, etc. so that we can pull together accurate budget numbers for all the different elements. The added benefit is that we will have a strong team at the ready when everything else is in place.
- Meeting with local entities to help me make a strong case as to WHY this project should be filmed in Oregon and am grateful that Kitzhaber has extended film incentives (even INCREASED them). Meeting with producers, OMPA, Governor's Office of Film and Television and pretty much everyone willing to meet with me.
- Gathering information on the people we will be pitching to so that we walk in the door well informed and ready to answer all their questions.

I'll update more as things progress. In a very optimistic place right now. Don't harsh my buzz or I will take you DOWN!

Next up will be my blog about the things I have learned so far! Stay tuned.