Monday, September 27, 2010

Cocktails with Dan Aykroyd

Like most independent filmmakers, I have a day job. But unlike most independent filmmakers I have a really cool day job. I am the Marketing Manager for the national print magazine Imbibe.  And today we had a very special visitor come by our office. None other than the uber-talented funny actor/writer/producer Dan Aykroyd. He is in town promoting his vodka, Crystal Head Vodka (watch the video of Dan explaining the vodka, it's pretty wild stuff), and stopped by our offices for a quick interview and tasting. We had a fabulous local bartender, Dave Shenaut of Beaker & Flask, come in and mix some cocktails for Dan and his entourage. I even got to drink out of the same glass as Dan. I now have Aykroyd cooties...

No, we didn't talk film and no I didn't tell him I am a filmmaker. There is a time and place for everything and today was all about Imbibe magazine. I'm just glad I got a chance to meet him. One of my favorite old-timers, for sure!


  1. It's all about networking and building relationships. If ever there's an occasion to discuss "film" he will remember the positive connection. Much better than an "Oh, the needy girl" response.
