Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lots on my plate! Good thing I'm hungry...

I love to juggle - metaphorically. I can't juggle for real. It's part of me being a giant klutz. I trip over the pattern in the carpet if given a chance. Why do you think I've had 2 knee surgeries in less than 2 years? One blew out while dancing at the Crystal Ballroom (it was super '80's night!) and the other while jumping over a log in the woods (I was being hunted by friends armed with Airsoft guns). Not exactly big stories of traumatic injuries - just me being a klutz. But I digress, my inability to remain upright while navigating sidewalk cracks is not what this post is about.

Juggling. For those of you who know me, and know me well (and even for those whom I've just met), I always have a lot going on. If I'm not writing, I'm concepting. If I'm not acting, I'm volunteering to be on someone's set. If I'm not networking, I'm planning the next networking event. I just absolutely love what I do - and I'm impatient. If I don't have ten things on my plate, then I stress and obsess over every little thing. Having a lot going on keeps me from obsessing over any one thing. I am currently repacking my feature film "Meet Jane Doe" so that I can continue to seek funding from a fresh perspective. I am writing a series of shorts to be produced in the next few months because I desperately need more writing/directing/producing credits so that I have more behind me as I seek funding for "Meet Jane Doe". And of course there is the big secret writing project that I am collaborating on, which I can't go into detail about other than to say it is brilliant. 

With so much going on, it is easy to get distracted, sidetracked, muddled. I crave and need structure. I need an environment that fosters creativity and kicks me in the butt when I get stuck.  Which brings me to the other big project on my plate. Tentatively titled "Base Camp", I dream of a hub of creativity that creative minds from all aspects of filmmaking can gather together and make shit happen. A place where artists can have a permanent residence to write, collaborate, inspire. A place where educators can hold workshops, teach classes, mentor. A facility where people that can't afford the latest and greatest in technology can shoot and edit their dreams (this last one is a bit ambitious, but will come with time).

I don't have the means or ability to create this space on my own. I didn't win Powerball last night, so I continue with my campaign to attract other filmmakers to join me in my quest. If we get enough folks on board - people dreaming of their own office, people with existing office looking for a more collaborative environment, successful companies willing to share space and mentor - we can do this. We can do this in phases and grow as our community grows and as we are able to raise money to add resources. But first we need to start somewhere. I am willing to do the legwork to gather folks and seek out affordable space (affordable being the key word here!). I just need to know who is interested so that I know what kind of space to look for. Is it 1,000 square feet of office or 4,000 square feet of mixed-use - or more? If I can get enough people committed to needed rehearsal and classroom space, then I will go for the latter. If I only find a few people that need office space I will go for the former. But regardless of where we start, it is a START! A start to something I hope will be big. And you wouldn't believe how many in our community have construction experience!

Now I just need to know who is interested. I set up a very simple, basic survey that is just meant to gather information and interest.  If you are interested in this project in any capacity, then take the survey and let me know what your needs are.And please feel free to share.

1 comment:

  1. While I have no current need of office space. I believe in this project and it's vision. I offer my elbow grease & sweat & pickup for any moving required when the time comes...and waves of positive creative energy. Having a place gives ownership & identification to our film community. I believe others will agree with me & make some collective noise about it.
